Surprising? Oui!
Nintendo has finally announced the final name for its next-generation console.
Click here to see the video. And here, without any further ado, is the press release in full, explaining this bold, courageous and some may claim misguided move:
Introducing … Wii.
As in “we.”
While the code-name “Revolution” expressed our direction, Wii represents the answer.
Wii will break down that wall that separates video game players from everybody else.
Wii will put people more in touch with their games … and each other. But you’re probably asking: What does the name mean?
Wii sounds like “we,” which emphasizes this console is for everyone.
Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii.
Wii has a distinctive “ii” spelling that symbolizes both the unique controllers and the image of people gathering to play.
And Wii, as a name and a console, brings something revolutionary to the world of video games that sets it apart from the crowd.
So that’s Wii. But now Nintendo needs you.
Because, it’s really not about you or me.
It’s about Wii.
And yes, ok. Wii as in also sounds like wee. Less than an hour after the official announcement was made, the fanboy fraternity is already ablaze with heated discussion – is this a bold, genius move? Has Nintendo outfoxed its competition again, by introducing a name (think weeeeeeeeee!! think fun!) that, as a clear statement of intent, basically reiterates its message to Sony and Microsoft which is: ‘You can keep your teraflops!’
Or, as the fanboys are protesting, does calling your new product after a yellow, fluid waste product secreted by the kidneys in mammals, discharged from the body through the urethra spell complete potential commercial suicide? Or, even worse, might people pronounce it ‘why?’
Speaking to SPOnG UK this afternoon, Nintendo's PR manager Robert Saunders noted, “We wanted something which was totally new, something that hadn’t been done before, something that reflected what Nintendo is all about – creativity, difference, surprise."
Well, it’s certainly surprising, we’ll give you that Nintendo.
Toilet jokes and concerns over pronunciation aside, the key question remains – will it work? We (Wii) hope it does. At the end of the day it really should be all about the games. But we live in an era where branding is king. If, for whatever reasons, consumers don’t take to the name, Nintendo could well be in Wii-ing into the wind, trying to claim that the name doesn’t really matter and it’s really all about Zelda, Donkey Kong, Metroid and Mario.
SPOnG remains, for now, on the fence. Undecided. And we are sure that it is going to take some time for the PR hoo-hah to die down and for the name to establish itself in the minds of both game fans and the casual, non-traditional gamers Nintendo is so keen to attract.
As far as its functionality is concerned, Wii does represent the most attractive new platform at this time and from a gaming stand point, this assertion is a simple fact.