New Rare Game Titled

Thrilling party or straw donkey?

Posted by Staff
New Rare Game Titled
Just a quickie for you here. It looks as though Rare's next game will be a Mexican affair with the title Viva Piñata. The latest issue of Game Pro makes reference to the title, confirming reports on various online retailers who, true to form, blabbed the contents of their release schedules well in advance.

Other reports also suggest that Viva Piñata will release in conjunction with an animated TV show and will comprise the footing for a massive franchise to be announced in full at E3.

Interesting stuff – Expect much more on this in the coming months.

For reference a Piñata is a straw object, traditionally a donkey, which is hung from a tree filled with goodies. Mexican children wear blindfolds and twat it until it releases its joyous sugary bounty. Make of that, in relation to a videogame, what you will.


jonno394 14 Feb 2006 09:37
So; let me guess, a 3d adventure starring a Pinata that has been magically brought to life to do something or other or to stop somoeone or other from doing something evil like destroying all the mexicans or all the pinatas in the world to stop mexican kids experiencing happiness.

If i'm right, SPONG owe me £10.

Geez; RARE games are so predictable nowadays.
king skins 14 Feb 2006 11:13
Some other sites are reporting that it is going to be a Pokemon type game with trading cards and everything...
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charming_fox 14 Feb 2006 11:17
Yep, just another crappy Rare game. How much did Microsoft spend on Rare? What a waste of cash!
Bitterman 14 Feb 2006 13:09
Amazing. You can tell how good a game is going to be by the title? Please enlighten me as to the secrets of the universe, oh great one!
charming_fox 14 Feb 2006 15:04
The title makes it sound Gimmicky just like Mr Pants, Grabbed by the Ghoulies and even Kameo. Why can't we have a grown-up game with some real meat to it?
OptimusP 14 Feb 2006 17:41
Going from the title... this is a Revolution title!! How the hell are you going to whack that pinata? But not really...

Prolly is their DS-game in development being some kind of Mario Party spinn-off but in a magical mexican setting or something.

MS payed around 450 million dollars for Rare with 300 mill going to the Big N + royalties for the GBA games that Rare still had to make (and MS payed for to have it made). Talk about building a profitable structure...
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