James Cameron Project 880 Game/Film Tie-in

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James Cameron Project 880 Game/Film Tie-in
Film director James Cameron has spoken out on his plans to create an MMO tie-in for his next big movie venture, currently going by the name Project 880.

In an interview with Business Week, Cameron commented, "So much of literary sci-fi is about creating worlds that are rich and detailed and make sense at a social level. We'll create a world for people and then later present a narrative in that world. You're seeing what hundreds of thousands of people in this game environment can create," he continued. "You are exploring the interaction of technology and the human imagination, and you play it out in a highly competitive, fast-paced interaction."

Cameron has an annoyingly interesting professional past, having taken a role at NASA following earning a degree in some kind of space physics. He's now developing 3D cameras aimed at capturing multi-angled action and importing it into digital worlds. He also has his own aeroplane. The bastard.

It's likely that the game is already in development in some form at MMO-focused Multiverse where Cameron sits on the board in an undisclosed role. Multiverse currently provides cost-effective solutions for massively multiplayer online games aimed at independent studios.

Project 880 and its game are slated for release at some point in 2008. Expect an announcement of sorts at this year's E3.


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