RF Online Beta Test Goes Live

Rising Force Rising; 50,000 Testers Wanted. Apply Within.

Posted by Staff
Codemasters has just announced that the online beta test for its spanking looking Sci-Fi Fantasy MMO, RF Online (Rising Force Online), has just gone live.

The beta test will play host to 50,000 testers over the next month, ensuring that the game is completely ready and raring to go for its retail launch at the end of February.

RF Online, which SPOnG had a sneak preview of up at the Codies place last month, is shaping up to be an MMO hit in 2006. The game has already attracted over a million players in the Far East since it launched out there last year. According to the press release blurb RF Online boasts “stunning in-game visuals and jaw-dropping character and environment detail…. And a unique blend of magical fantasy mixed with futuristic science-fiction action”.

Had we not already seen the game with our own eyes, we would just read the above as mere PR hyberbole. Trust us, its not. Players can create a character from one of RF Online's three all-powerful warring factions - the Bellato Union with their Mech battle units, the mystical Holy Alliance Cora or the mighty robots of the Accretian Empire - and engage in the game's full-scale battles that can feature thousands of players.

Commenting on the beta test of their biggest online project to date, David Solari, Director of Codemasters Online Gaming, said: " the beta test gives our fantastic community the opportunity to experience the game before it hits the shelves."

There are a limited number of places left on the beta, so if you haven’t done so already and fancy your chances in the most epic battles seen in a MMO role-playing game, you should [URL=http://rf-onlinegame.com]sign up[/URL] straight away.



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