Analyst Dates PlayStation 3, Paints Rosy 2006 Picture

Xbox 360 expected to lead for year.

Posted by Staff
We searched for PlayStation 3 launch - No joy...
We searched for PlayStation 3 launch - No joy...
Releasing notes, freshly divined from the tealeaves today, is UBS' Mike Wallace, buyer of many a SPOnG mohito during E3 2005. He offers his thoughts on the expected release of the PlayStation 3, amongst other leading issues.

“The launch of Sony's PlayStation 3 console later this year, along with the launch of Nintendo's Revolution console, should represent the official start of the new cycle," he commented, words that will no doubt fuel anxiety at Microsoft as Sony's forces a generational split between the two machines. However, Wallace is the latest watcher to go on record to state he doubts SCE's ability to ship its next home machine this spring. “We think a summer [Japanese] launch is more likely, with the US and Europe launches still expected in Q4...”

However, it seems Microsoft has a sizeable breathing space, with expected lack of availability of PlayStation 3 thought likely to prevent the console from gaining any substantial footing this year. “We are projecting meaningful sales of Microsoft's Xbox 360 (4 million units) in the U.S. this year," outlining expected sales of both the PS3 and Revolution to languish at around the one million mark.

Indeed, UBS expects the 360 to perform rather well in the coming solar orbit. “Xbox 360 hardware supply continues to be constrained, which will probably hurt industry sales over the next few months. However, this situation should improve throughout the course of the year, as Microsoft works out its manufacturing issues with the console.” This situation is expected to roll over into next year, more rosy news for the Xbox 360 camp. “We are projecting the Xbox 360 and PS3 console installed bases to exceed 10 million units and 7 million units in the US that year, respectively, while the Revolution installed base should surpass 3 million units.”

So everyone's happy, then. Isn't life wonderful? If we were to throw in our two-pennorth, we'd probably say that the prediction made by Wallace (and everyone else) on expected Revolution sales is well off. The glorious success of the DS has simply proven that gamers, both hardcore and casual, new and old, are gagging for innovative software driven by a unique platform. Add to this mix the likelihood that the Revolution will cost at retail about a quarter of what you'll be asked for a PlayStation 3 and a ready made online userbase (via DS) gathering 3 million followers in just a couple of months, and you'll begin to see that Nintendo has its strongest offering for the home console market since the SNES/Super Famicom.


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