Nerd Invents Nerdstrument

Guitar Hero modding madness!

Posted by Staff
Sick and wrong!
Sick and wrong!
While SPOnG patiently awaits confirmation of the exact European release date for Guitar Hero, one of our most anticipated games of the year so far, we can keep ourselves happy by checking out what crazy hackers are up to with Guitar Hero’s metal-tastic controller.

A report over on Joystiq last night showed us how one musical innovator (or perhaps one very bored hacker) has discovered how to unleash the Guitar controller from the game and turn it into something resembling a real guitar which you can use to make music with your PC.

Following on from last week Guitar Hero news here, where some young punk has managed to cook up a wireless Guitar Hero controller, the latest news is even more bizarre.

Using a USB to PS2 controller converter, a couple of shareware programs, and a PS2 as a makeshift foot pedal, Joystiq’s wannabe guitar hero has fashioned what he affectionately refers to as a new 'Nerdstrument', which he goes on to say, "has distanced itself from a guitar. Strumming is not used to generate tones -- fret button presses do this. The strum bar is instead used to change octaves. The controller's start and select buttons are mapped to cycle through instrument voices."

So it’s not really a guitar in any way shape or form. More like a handheld keyboard, which, as history has proven, are not allowed in Rock and Roll. If you turn up to an audition for any self-respecting rock band with a handheld keyboard (or with a reworked Guitar Hero controller for that matter) you deserve the kicking you will doubtless receive.

As Joystiq’s man points out, "It's kind of humbling to go from playing Helmet's 'Unsung' at Guitar Hero's expert level to playing 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star', you know?"


Jay 24 Jan 2006 15:19
He's not exactly invented a new instrument, just a very primitive and limited attempt at a MIDI guitar controller, which is equally as gay as a handheld keyboard
vault 13 24 Jan 2006 17:18
Jay wrote:
He's not exactly invented a new instrument, just a very primitive and limited attempt at a MIDI guitar controller, which is equally as gay as a handheld keyboard

It's REALLY bad when the computer world shuns you as well. This guy has nowhere to go but home to mommy, who probably is already thinking about disowning him.
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