Soul Calibur III Misses Arcade

Shock as Namco fighter goes straight home.

Posted by Staff
Namco has revealed that Soul Calibur III will not see an arcade release but head straight to home console; surprising news, given both previous iterations in the series have performed strongly in their coin-op guise.

Speaking to Dorimaga Magazine in Japan, series producer Hiroshi Yamaguchi explained that the decision had been reached by Namco to forgo the arcade version, though he did mention there had been strong interest in it from the coin-op sector in the US and Japan.

The PlayStation 2 version of Soul Calibur III gets a somewhat muted launch in the UK this Friday.


VastikRoot 16 Nov 2005 10:20
Wasn't this anounced ages ago? Back when they said it was only gonna be on PS2? Shame it's not on Game Cube (and odd seeing as soul caliber 2 allegedly sold most copies on it out of the 3 consoles). Strangely I found the GC controller most suited to this game, the button layout just worked realy well for it (where as Street Fighter was just plain wrong). Oh well, looks like i'll be dusting off the PS2 this Friday.
realvictory 16 Nov 2005 10:42
Yeah, it's quite odd, as well as the fact that it's not multiplatform, when multiplatform seems to be the fashion for everyone else at the moment.

Well at least I heard that Namco were simply trying to make the best Souul Calibur yet, which is more important than just trying to make money, I suppose.
VastikRoot 16 Nov 2005 11:11
I'm hoping they'll release it on the 360. The prospect of custom made characters facing off online is a very nice one indeed! Although saying that, the 360's D-pad doesn't seem to have changed much from the s-type's one which isn't great news for beat-em ups (i find the surface too smooth).
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