Xbox 360 Seen in the Wild: First Photos Emerge

Minimalist desirability campaign in US stores.

Posted by Staff
SPOnG’s US team was quick off the mark to have a butchers at the freshly-installed Xbox 360 demonstration units currently being rolled out into WalMart and EB stores across the US.

Armed with a camera, our people aided the installation of one New York unit and snapped these images when the burly, neckless security staff were busying themselves with other things.

We also grabbed a few shakey-cam videos of the new demos in action. Both builds are new and specifically created for in-store use. They’re not the best quality, as our efforts to stand a tripod in front of one of Samsung’s rather sexy monitors was rumbled. So don’t complain.

We have one video of King Kong having a fight with a Tyrannosaurus Rex. This is taken from the King Kong Game from Ubisoft, in case you were wondering. The other is the new demo build of Rare’s Kameo in full elfin glory.

King Kong
MPEG4 Xvid 32Mb
Quicktime 8.1Mb

MPEG4 Xvid 80Mb
Quicktime 32Mb

In related news, we’ll be having a closer look at a 360 when a WalMart store closes for the evening today, with the hot poop likely to go live tomorrow, if all goes to plan. An army of SPOnG reporters will descend upon a 360 unit and have a good old fiddle around with it, snap the evidence, and we’ll publish it for your approval, along with some high quality videos featuring ‘sound’.

Either that or the WalMart clerk we gave a copy of Advance Wars to to let us stay behind after closing time will get sacked and we’ll feel bad. For a bit. Whatever happens, it should be a gas.


king skins 28 Oct 2005 14:53
The pod reminds me of the robot from Lost in Space...
SPInGSPOnG 28 Oct 2005 17:27
I like that "play Xbox360 Games" is advertised as a 'feature' . As if it might not do that.

It's also interesting that playing "an array" of Xbox games is only possible with a hard drive.
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LUPOS 28 Oct 2005 19:31
Rod Todd wrote:
It's also interesting that playing "an array" of Xbox games is only possible with a hard drive.

it is... xbox1 games.... thats not news... would be upsetting if they didnt list that feature.

i personaly like:
"greatest games ever, in movie like graphics"

if this was ninty or sony i would blame engrish... but who the hell wrote that?
specialguest 30 Oct 2005 04:15
Nice story-
I'll wait to see the updated info, or I guess I could just go to any Walmart myself...
Wait! I already did that a few days ago. And I played with the Xbox 360 while I was there. So did every other person that walked past it. Maybe I should just write the next story... Nah, its old news now.
DoctorDee 30 Oct 2005 08:29
specialguest wrote:
Nice story-
I'll wait to see the updated info, or I guess I could just go to any Walmart myself...

Which is nice for you, you must be pleased and proud.

But given that we are a UK based site, and there are no WalMarts here, and the ASDA's that are "Part of the WalMart Family" don't have Xbox 360s yet, most of our readers cannot do the same.

moo_2002 30 Oct 2005 09:28
can someone explain to me the 'chrome premium finish'

anyone seen any difference in them? is the basic one plastic and premium metal or wat?

king skins 30 Oct 2005 13:09
The Kameo video links are pointing at the King Kong video files...
LUPOS 30 Oct 2005 17:22
moo_2002 wrote:
can someone explain to me the 'chrome premium finish'

its just the disk drive... if you buy the core set its matte gray... the premium one has a shiny metalic drive.

kid_77 31 Oct 2005 13:04
LUPOS wrote:
"greatest games ever, in movie like graphics"

if this was ninty or sony i would blame engrish... but who the hell wrote that?

It ain't great... putting a hyphen between "in" and "game" would've helped, though.
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