US 'Assault on Iran' Game on the Offence

Touchy Iranians upset by game that paints them as nation of warmongering, would-be terrorists.

Posted by Staff
Following up on other stories in which we voiced our boring, left-wing concerns about games based on real wars, it turns out that bleeding heart websites aren’t the only people who question this subject material.

It seems that American developer Kuma Reality Games has upset at least 5,000 Iranians with its latest game available for purchase online. The name of the game is Assault on Iran. Yes, really! Look!

Inspired by the continuing Western pressure on Iran over their nuclear power program, the game extrapolates the current situation forward a few months, to a time when all diplomatic avenues have been cursorily explored. You know how it works by now – it means it’s time for guns. The game puts you in charge of a US ‘Black Ops’ team charged with infiltrating a uranium repository and securing evidence of Iran's plans for world domination, before blowing the whole dang shooting match sky high!

The game has attracted the attention of Iranian state newspaper the Kayhan Daily, as well as eliciting a petition on, to which 5,000 people have so far added their signatures. Head of Kuma, Keith Halper responded, “The controversy does surprise me. I just didn't expect that there were people from Iran who were going to become aware of it.” That’s right, Keith, those funny A-rab people have internets and computers all of their own!

He has no plans to make the game unavailable, despite the petition, and nor are we suggesting he should – this sort of thing is all covered by freedom of speech. But it did get us thinking: what if someone made a videogame about sabotaging British military installations? Presumably under our new terror laws in the UK that could get you thrown in the clink for three months at least, no questions asked. Funny old world.


OptimusP 26 Oct 2005 17:53
Just another case where the powers of the world claim the right to jusitfy everthing they and their people do towards other people but those people can't do the same thing back because then they get the things as warmongerers trown to their heads.

Nice newsflash, the lawyers of Saddam Houssein are demanding that George Bush is put to trial. they are discussing it with other arab nations for a possible arrest of Bush.

My country (belgium) actually had a law once that allowed anyone to sue anyone for crimes against humanity and they could be arrested if they enter belgian soil.
Geuss who got sued first and who voiced as first and only huge criticism against this law, indeed George Bush.

Going hugely off-topic here, sorry :p
DoctorDee 27 Oct 2005 05:03
OptimusP wrote:
Going hugely off-topic here, sorry :p

Criticising George Bush (Sr or Jr) is NEVER off topic here on SPOnG.
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