According to post-Tokyo Game Show speculation, Konami and Capcom are looking to merge, seeing the emergence of a new gaming superpower if true.
The news, originating with the respected Bloomberg information service, follows comments from various company representatives, not least those of Konami Officer in Charge of Software Business, Michihiro Ishizuka who said, “Rising costs and falling profit margins will speed up consolidation in the industry. Buying companies with know-how and infrastructure for online businesses would make a lot of sense for us.” It is believed that Capcom was mentioned off the record following this comment.
“Capcom is probably the most likely candidate for acquisition or merger out of the remaining large companies. The company is in a difficult situation financially," a Cosmo Securities analysts told Bloomberg. "The most effective of possible combinations for Capcom would be if Sega Sammy bought the company,” throwing yet another possibility into play.
Tokyo Game Show this year is believed to have hosted what was described to SPOnG as ‘an unusual amount of high-level talks’, many of which concentrated on the possibility of enhanced business results through consolidation.
Something, and we don’t know what, is likely to be announced in the coming month or so. Keep an eye out for developments and, of course, let us know what you think might happen, should happen and definitely shouldn’t happen in the forum below.