It seems that every week, games hating Florida lawyer Jack Thompson sets himself a new target to get his knickers in a twist over. An vocal figure in the re-rating of GTA: San Andreas, last week he targeted another Rockstar game in the works, titled, somewhat provocatively you must admit, Bully. He even lashed out at whiter-than-white publishers Electronic Arts over allegedly paedophilic content.
This week, no doubt after drawing a blank trawling the Rockstar release schedule for his next victim, he’s turning his attention to something a little closer to the SPOnG collective heart: Capcom’s Killer 7.
As you’ll know, the super-stylised shooter sees players take control of a hitman with seven split personalities, and let’s make no bones about this, there’s a fair bit of blood and violence. Bizarrely though, Jack doesn’t care about the murdering, it’s the game’s graphic love scenes that have him furious, demanding that the ESRB change the games rating to ‘AO’, which would effectively see it pulled from most shelves in America.
You’ll recall that it was the hidden ‘Hot Coffee’ sex minigame in GTA that recently invoked his wrath upon Rockstar's cash cow, though he didn’t bat an eyelid at the vast, unhidden tracts of the game glorifying carjacking and random violence. American anti-videogame gobshites; funny creatures, aren't they? Of course, none of this will affect European gamers, with Killer 7 sitting pretty in shops wearing an BBFC 18 certificate in the UK, and PEGI 18 across the continent.
If it weren’t for our primeval fear of lawyers we’d make a joke tracing Mr. Thompson’s hatred back to a humiliating boyhood Ms. Pac-Man experience. We’d better not, but don’t let that stop you from doing so, in the forum below.