Racist Group Launches Game Aimed at Killing Blacks, Latinos and Jews

Further proof, as if it was needed, that the world is horrible.

Posted by Staff
Look - No blood-diluting at all!
Look - No blood-diluting at all!
SPOnG isn't a political site. We don't really get involved with much outside the world of videogames - it's outside of our remit, you see. However, when politics touches upon our little alcove in the rockface of digital entertainment, we believe it's not undue for us to pass comment.

And today, perhaps the most despicable game project we've ever come across hit our radar. The National Alliance, a group seemingly convinced that brown people will one day take over the world, has deployed Ethnic Cleansing, a first-person shooter with the aim of hunting down black, Asian, Jewish and, well you know, everyone falling inside Hitler's death remit, and shooting them. The game refers to its targets as 'predatory sub-humans' with 'Jewish masters.' According to reports, Ariel Sharon is included in the game as the final boss complete with phrases such as "We have destroyed your culture!", "We silenced Henry Ford," and "Filthy white dog, you have destroyed thousands of years of planning."

It's all a bit of a shame really. SPOnG often wonders how these people find the time to worry about brown people so much. And what makes them worry in the first place. As far as we've worked out, and forgive us if this sounds a little cliched, brown people are pretty much like white people. Except they are brown. Sometimes they speak a different language (as do white people, quite often), do some different stuff and eat unusual food. But we've never noticed any secretly trying to dilute the blood of our white members of staff. Of course, we might be wrong and we might one day find ourselves thrown in cages by brown people, who will, according to the National Alliance, be told what to do by Jewish people. And Jewish people aren't even brown! The only way you can tell Jewish people apart from being not-brown-not-Jewish people is when you're in the shower with them at school, unless they've taken to rocking those funky twirly sideburns and big hats.

Oh well... The National Alliance promises more videogames in the future, including a game about blowing up brown and Jewish people, rather than shooting them.


Showing the 20 most recent comments. Read all 31.
Joji 22 Jul 2005 15:18
Well, you lot can speak for yourselves. I take people for who they are not for how dark or light their skin is. I'm sure a lot of you will say the same. I also have white and black people in my family so I don' have a problem with colour whoever you maybe.

Classing the BNP/NA and the likes of terrorists triggering bombs is about the same, they both have an ideal goal in mind which is for the later to create as much chaos and bloodshed as possible in the name of their weird arse idealogy. That's what I think Tiger.

If the BNP ever came to power things would n3ver change because they'd then be a lot of white folk fighting amongst themselves the way they always have, history is testament to that fact.

As for the muslim extremists they say they want a islamic state. That will never happen in this nation because everyone knows that politics and religion shouldn't mix and is a recipe for chaos (english civil war anyone). Government can be questioned because it revolves around the people. Religion is the opposite because there is no real entity to answer to or question. From there everything becomes jaded in idealogy, conflict and such.

It's no wonder no one really goes for religion in this country anymore, it causes to much trouble. When you ask the church a question you want an answer. when they don't answer you or do so with BS you know they are talking BS and walk out.

On another note the church can't even let priests see/chase females (where other religions you can). Now we have a lot of kiddy fiddlers about and is it any wonder. Ask the church what they are gonna do and they still can't give you a straight answer to solve the problem.

I'm not saying to believe in nothing but find the right train of thought and question everything.
kid_77 22 Jul 2005 15:22
Rod Todd wrote:
I only hate white people.

How white must one be before the hate consumes you?
more comments below our sponsor's message
SPInGSPOnG 22 Jul 2005 16:55
kid_77 wrote:
How white must one be before the hate consumes you?

tyrion 22 Jul 2005 16:56
Rod Todd wrote:
kid_77 wrote:
How white must one be before the hate consumes you?


Whiter than white - that's #gggggg;
config 22 Jul 2005 17:08
tyrion wrote:
Rod Todd wrote:
kid_77 wrote:
How white must one be before the hate consumes you?


Whiter than white - that's #gggggg;

LOL, but wrong. You're forgetting the alpha channel; #ffffffff

BTW, are we rendering using HDR?


marmaduke 22 Jul 2005 19:16
config wrote:
Use of the term "darkie" is an attempt at irony, right?

Post-irony, actually, which, ironically, is exactly the same as irony.
ohms 22 Jul 2005 19:18
Joji wrote:
As for the muslim extremists they say they want a islamic state.

That's what Tony Blair keeps saying, they want to destroy our way of life, etc., like he knows their motives.
There was a group in the UK (al muhajiroun?) that wanted an Islamic state established here, but they were disbanded last year, and were never involved directly with any bombings.

I thought no one actually knew what these London bombers wanted, but a good guess would be retaliation for Iraq or some other country we bombed, rather than changing our political system.

As for racist games, anyone remember the old spectrum classic 'paki basher'?

LUPOS 22 Jul 2005 22:11
ohms wrote:
I thought no one actually knew what these London bombers wanted, but a good guess would be retaliation for Iraq or some other country we bombed, rather than changing our political system.

i generally believe all the middle east trouble... which is not contained to the middle east anymore... stems from us screweing over several different countries over there at different points in time... freidn with sadam, give him horribel weapons, tell his peopel to over throw him and we will help, sit back and laugh when he mustard gasses them, then take two swipes at his country and steall all its resources... its the kind of behavor that makes the "holyer than thous" really upset with you.

ohms wrote:
As for racist games, anyone remember the old spectrum classic 'paki basher'?

i always found the white power doom mod to be the most terribly offenseive thing i had ever seen... damn you john carmack for making an engine so accesable even a white supremecist coudl use it!!
LUPOS 22 Jul 2005 22:19
Spong wrote:
And Jewish people aren't even brown! The only way you can tell Jewish people apart from being not-brown-not-Jewish people is when you're in the shower with them at school, unless they've taken to rocking those funky twirly sideburns and big hats.

speaking as a jweish american, i was under the impresion that most males these days where "jewified" at birth. is this not the trend in jolly old england? perhaps said jolliness stems form the lack of penial mutilation... the world may never know...

speakign of which (sort of)... anyone ever seen a femal circumcision? stupid traces of death snuff film crap... i still cry a little everytime i think about it... if we (the mercans) are so gng ho for blowing up arab types, we should probably aim for any country where that is practiced... at least it would seem like a good humanitarian thing to do... and if they happend to have oil, well, then its a twofer!

the world sucks.
horngreen 23 Jul 2005 04:23
I'm sure this whole controversy won't keep Sony from picking it up for the PS2!
SPInGSPOnG 23 Jul 2005 08:36
horngreen wrote:
I'm sure this whole controversy won't keep Sony from picking it up for the PS2!

Oh, don't be a f**king dickwad! Sony... yeah, they are big, and corporate, and cynical and capitalist. But they are also yellow!
SPInGSPOnG 23 Jul 2005 08:41
config wrote:
BTW, are we rendering using HDR?


Dude, it makes no difference. HDR is a way of acheiving a more realistic image. That resulting image can be just as well rendered in good old 24 bit RGB, because that's the gamut of human color perception.
DaPistolPat 23 Jul 2005 08:53
If you cannot decide on a religion then you should join the:

Universal House of Good Guys.

In our house we join in fellowship on the early morning Party game selection of the day followed by 2 hrs of free play on a game of your choice, then comes the midday race away to freedom followed by another 2 hrs of free play, and then finish up with the 5 hr frag fest to begin the day; we do also have the side house where you fellowship with others or yourself over a good book or thoughts.

So in the the immortal words of Arnold; "come with me if you want to live." or just to have a good ole' time. If you are a person who believes in a religion and you still accept other people and religions as equals to you and your own religion, then this is the house for you.
fluffstardx 23 Jul 2005 10:06
So, is this a new version of it, or are they just mass-producing it now? Because this was on "Louis Theroux meets... the KKK" years ago. The two kids were playing it in their room, and I have to say it wouldn't sell well because graphically it's about Duke Nukem 3D level.
TigerUppercut 23 Jul 2005 15:59
Yo Lupos.
The practice of Jewifying all babies went out in the 60's here I think. I heard it's still the norm in Americaland though. Probably the Big Jewish Conspiracy that they're always banging on about! ;-)
config 25 Jul 2005 08:50
Yeah, in the UK, males go unmutilated unless there is a medical or religious reason.

SPInGSPOnG 25 Jul 2005 12:42
fluffstardx wrote:
So, is this a new version of it, or are they just mass-producing it now? Because this was on "Louis Theroux meets... the KKK" years ago.

Is this "game" just a TC of one of the popular FPSs? Or did they actually develop it from scratch.

It's just that I can't imagine such loathsome inbred hatemongers having the skill to develop a game. Their website was laughable (except for the content, which was just plain scary).
LUPOS 25 Jul 2005 22:31
config wrote:
Yeah, in the UK, males go unmutilated unless there is a medical or religious reason.

yea, its seems that in recent years it has actually taken a biy of a down swing in popularity, much liek removing the tips of all fo your cats digits.

a point of interest is that there actuallyu a group of men who , through the use of waits and metal rings, reconstruct their unwillingly removed 4skin. apparently they claim it increase enjoyment of "genital related activities" because without the protective covering mr. happy goes through undo friction in your shorts and becomes callas (sp?).

i for one lake the car or the driver for such endevors, but thought it was and interesting practice.

Thank you google
TigerUppercut 26 Jul 2005 08:55
Lupos. That's all very interesting. But one question: Have you started smoking crack?
LUPOS 26 Jul 2005 16:01
TigerUppercut wrote:
Have you started smoking crack?

nope. just bored. since the circumcision topic had come up it reinded me of that, thought it was "interesting" so i though it was as opportune a time as any to share such info. (no that there is ever really a good time for: "hey, did you know soem people hang weights of their schlongs to try and regrow foreskin?")

so yea, just spreading the useless knowledge, of which i am full.

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