Here are some images of a new game from Konami, courtesy of our friends over at Impress Game Watch. It's called Survival Kids: Lost in Blue and is the latest game to be made exclusively for the DS which looks stupendously brilliant. To our eyes, at least. And we have great eyes for games. Our mums say so and everything.
The game, innovative and exciting in a way reminiscent of Nintendogs, follows the fortunes of a boy who finds himself washed up on a desert island. And unless you want to lose weight and grow a beard, getting washed up on a desert island is never good. Unless there's a tribe of Amazonian lady warriors who take you for their king, of course. Though chances are they'd probably just eat you, boiling you up in a big pot full of chopped veggies, after convincing you that it's "just a bath". You might catch a glimpse of an erotic war dance or something. Though that's about it. However, we digress...
The boy happens upon a girl, also stranded. Not the Amazonian man-boiling type, she quickly befriends the boy (neither character is named at this time) and they combine their skills to stay alive in the hope of rescue. The touch screen of the DS is used to perform survial tasks. Trees are shaken for coconuts, sand is dug for clams and bows are pulled to fire arrows at various scentient pieces of nature. If you're a boy. When played as the girl, the touch panel is used for sewing and growing crops and cooking. So it's a slightly sexist game but what are you going to do? We live in a slightly sexist world. And remember, if this game had been made a hundred years ago, one player would be a white middle class gent in need of constant support from his loyal black slave, named after a day of the week or something. So we've come a long way. Kind of.
Expect this game to hit Japan on August 25th, with a western release due in time for the Mass of Our Lord the Baby Jesus Christ.