Project Gotham Racing Lies Uproar

Developer comes out fighting.

Posted by Staff
Bizarre Creations, the studio charged with the development of Project Gotham Racing 3 for Xbox 360, has denied claims that it attempted to pass off renders or doctored photographs as in-game footage grabs.

Posting on its official site, the Bizarre team came out fighting:

Last week we released a single screenshot from PGR3 which seemed to cause quite a stir all over the Internet...

Initially, people claimed it was just a photograph! I think people have pretty much come to the correct conclusion now though - this is what people can genuinely expect from the next generation of video games. Bizarre Creations are proud to be one of the developers leading the charge toward High Definition, and we're very pleased with the results so far.

As a small gift to all of you who still refuse to believe that last week's image was a real screenshot, here we have the wire-frame version of the same scene, captured from the same dev kit that the original screenshot was taken. After reading the comments from all over the web (ranging from "That's awesome" to "That's a fake!"), we felt we had to release something which proved we're not messing with you.

You can see all the images referenced by moving your eyeballs slightly to the right of what you are reading right now. Bizarre Creations continues:

Some people also claimed that we only showed this particular building because it's our most impressive. That's simply not true... and I wanted to work out a way to prove it to you. So as I wandered over to Chris's desk to get this wire-frame shot I decided that I would ask him to grab whatever was on his screen at that particular moment. After a couple of seconds of fiddling with his 360 controller to get the best angle, Chris rendered out this new shot for us. This is New York City again, in a slightly different area of town - and as with the shot last week, it's just a random street rather than a specific 'showpiece' area that some were worried about.

Yes, it is possible to get all areas of the game that need it up to this level of detail – that’s what you get for 2 years work with up to 35 artists here at Bizarre, plus additional help from outsourcing companies! Some areas (ie. those with simple buildings in real life) won’t be as detailed, but where buildings are that complex, the game will be that complex too. And in case you don’t believe me again, the wire frame screenshot is printed below, taken immediately afterwards from the same dev kit, by switching the game into wireframe mode.

This is how PGR3's artwork looks right now. On actual 360 hardware. Please bear in mind, however, that you're still looking at a work in progress video game, and that the final in-game effects and lighting aren't even in place yet. We're still a long way from the finish line, but things will only improve from this point on. Start preparing now, and save your pennies for a widescreen HDTV and surround sound system. Although the game will still look stellar on a regular TV, you'll get the best experience when you go High Def.


config 1 Jul 2005 14:08
Only a fscktard would have thought the images were photographs. However, I note that there's no denial that these images aren't pre-renders (i.e. not real time, in-game, blah)
fluffstardx 1 Jul 2005 15:48
He does say right in the last section they were grabbed off a devkit on the fly. That means they're screens of where they are, right now, in the development of the game.
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