PlayStation 3 Devkit?

According to a Japanese Internet blog, “It well is!”

Posted by Staff
PlayStation 3 Devkit?
Or perhaps it isn’t, who knows. You see the picture with this article? That’s a PlayStation 3 1st-generation development kit that is. At least, according to this Japanese blog it is.

It is big isn’t it? Such is the way of the early model development kit. It has classic ugly duckling syndrome, though we can rest assured in the knowledge that one day it will be a beautiful swan. Or at least an games console with an aesthetic direction a shade above average.

We’ll have a scout around our friends in the development community for confirmation of this and post our findings in the forum below.


Joji 22 Jun 2005 12:35
What can I say but ''Nice silvery white box''. That's saying something when I don't know what's inside.
tyrion 22 Jun 2005 12:58
Joji wrote:
What can I say but ''Nice silvery white box''. That's saying something when I don't know what's inside.

Ah! I can help there. Now stop me if I'm being technical, but what's inside that box is a load of gubbins!
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kid_77 22 Jun 2005 13:17
tyrion wrote:
Ah! I can help there. Now stop me if I'm being technical, but what's inside that box is a load of gubbins!

PS3 gubbins vs
Xbox360 doobries vs
Revolution wotsitcalleds

Thief 23 Jun 2005 18:26

That's the showdown of the decade.
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