Ubisoft dates PAL Revolution and US PlayStation 3 launches

Financial reports – Not boring shocker!

Posted by Staff
Ubisoft dates PAL Revolution and US PlayStation 3 launches
Sifting through financial reports is boring. This is probably because they all read exactly the same. The company in question explains that while things mightn’t have gone so well in recent weeks, things will get better. They usually show how things will get better by using graphs. And sometimes, even pie charts.

However, Ubisoft’s number-crunching PDF released in the last day or so throws up one point of interest, namely that the French publishing giant expects to see Nintendo’s Revolution hit retail in Europe in Q4 of 2006.

What’s more, Ubi also seems to believe that the PlayStation 3 will beat it to market, with the firm claiming the next-generation of Sony home console will hit US-wide in Q3 of next year.

Could be a guesstimate, could be a glimpse into the launch planings of Sony and Nintendo. We guess time will tell…



Coxy 17 Jun 2005 14:40
I doubt the PS3 would be launched in europe so soon in 2006, what with the usual time delay between Japan and the UK. (PSP being the prime example of this, but lets not go there)
Joji 17 Jun 2005 14:41
Now, where is that salt shaker when you need it? Aha found it.

I'd say this was a guess since both might actually be out around the same time. I'd be really surprised if Nintendo launched at xmas. Either way three months ahead or behind should put both in a good position.

I'm sure Ubisoft will want to be a vital developer for all three (and need dates to run things smoothly), Nintendo especially since there is no guarantee what other developers will bring more hardcore mature content to the Rev. Many will opt for Sony and MS to be safe.

Well see what Sony and Nintendo make of it, I believe Nintendo did say about mid 2006 for Rev though.

Pinch of salt people.
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Ditto 17 Jun 2005 16:50
I think that Ubi's Revolution dates sound about right.

The nice people at NOE have promised to fight to get the company's products to Europe quicker than in the past.

Just in time for Xmas sounds like a brilliant time to launch a console - especially considering all the retro games that may be available.
fluffstardx 17 Jun 2005 19:06
I may actually have to buy my THIRD GC if that's right just to play the new Zelda. Scary to think that, about a year after I start playing on the 360, I can consider buying a competitor... that is a long gap, and Sony will need to do a lot of work to make that work in their favour. Seems to me they've handed MS the ball, and they might just leave the court with it...
SorelissLarethian 17 Jun 2005 21:37
The date could be right. What other holiday than xmass would be the perfect holiday to launch in EU anyway. As for the way distributing free games on Rev it would be great if there was a good place to spend my 4500+ VIP stars :) how many games do you think i could unlock with that many stars? 'cause i sure won't spend them on wallpapers.
Thief 18 Jun 2005 18:22

"I'm sure Ubisoft will want to be a vital developer for all three (and need dates to run things smoothly), Nintendo especially since there is no guarantee what other developers will bring more hardcore mature content to the Rev. Many will opt for Sony and MS to be safe."

It's possible Nintendo is trying to change that, though, with the recent release of the ultra-violent RE4, and the upcoming release of Killer 7.
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