Alien Hominid ready for Europe - and the GBA?

PAL release looms as GBA port rumours fly

Posted by Staff
Alien Hominid ready for Europe - and the GBA?
You should really buy Alien Hominid. It’s a great game. The kind of game in fact that reminds you of a golden era before things like, well, graphics mattered so much. Bored of running digital drug deals and shooting people over and over again? This is your answer.

And best of all, it’s out today, available for Xbox, PlayStation 2 and Nintendo’s GameCube. We reviewed the game back in December - click here to check it out.

In related news, SPOnG has also been picking up on talk of a Game Boy Advance version being in the works right now, slated for release during the summer of 2005. No official confirmation right now, though keep your eyes on our release schedule pages in the coming weeks.



YenRug 27 May 2005 16:00
Has it got a gamecube release in Europe after all? It was only meant to be Xbox and PS2 over here, despite only being PS2 and Gamecube in the US.
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