Soul Calibur Escapes Sony Exclusivity, Makes Leap to Next-Gen

SCIII or new game in the works right now.

Posted by Staff
It is looking likely that a version of Soul Calibur III will be shown for Microsoft’s next-generation of Xbox and Nintendo’s Revolution at next month’s E3, overwriting last week’s news of Sony exclusivity.

According to a Namco representative, “Namco is definitely planning to develop the Soul Calibur series on the next-generation platforms. However, when we started development for SCIII, the specs for the next-generation platforms were not set, and there were no dev kits, which ultimately lead (sic) us to development on the PS2,” debunking recent claims that the revived offering was already underway for GameCube and Xbox.

Namco continued, “Essentially, Namco wanted to create a game with even more content than in Soul Calibur II, so we made the choice to focus on a single platform. And when we thought about choosing a single platform, we wanted it to be on the platform that has the greatest penetration in the current marketplace, that being PS2. Namco is very excited about bringing SCIII to the PS2 and the team has worked very hard on maximizing the graphics for SCIII, which [we] think will please franchise fans.”

So again we are left wondering what the term 'platform exclusive' actually means. It seems more than likely that Soul Calibur III will be shown in more than its PlayStation 2 guise at this year’s E3, though SPOnG thinks it's likely to be accompanied by a release date six months or so after the Sony debut.

We’ll bring you updates as they come in.


Coxy 6 Apr 2005 16:32
So according to this sc3 will be a ps2 exclusive, but by the time the next gen consoles arrive it will make an appearence on xbox 360 and nintendo revolution, so everyones a winner (correct me if in wrong!)
ann0uk 6 Apr 2005 19:55
2/5 let me get this right, they didt have dev kits for xbox 2 and revolution so they decided to make it exclusively for ps2, so what happened to gamecube and xbox dev kits then?
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Coxy 6 Apr 2005 20:14
namco said they wanted to put it on the console that made the biggest impact on the market (i.e. the console that has sold more than the others) so they chose the ps2, alough considering sc2 was on all consoles this doesn't make sense.
Pandaman 6 Apr 2005 21:01
If this holds true, that means that the Revolution can't possibly be as "out there" as many are speculating.
kid_77 6 Apr 2005 22:40
Alan is my first name wrote:
If this holds true, that means that the Revolution can't possibly be as "out there" as many are speculating.

Whoever can draw a picture of a fist with their stylus first, gets the punch in!
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