More Xbox 2 rumours – A different day but the same old…

Hard disc and Blu Ray guesswork flares

Posted by Staff
More Xbox 2 rumours – A different day but the same old…
According to various internet rumour groups, The Xbox 2 or Xenon, or Xbox Next or Xbox 360 (see the problem we’re facing here people?) will not contain a hard disc drive or make use of Blu-Ray technology.

The report, contrary to the most popular thinking on the subject, claims Microsoft’s next home machine will stick with standard DVD formatting of its games, in spite of rampant piracy across the medium.

The lack of hard disc rumour, backed up by absolutely no evidence whatsoever, is perhaps the sixth or seventh report SPOnG has read claiming the inclusion/exclusion of mass storage. For reference, SPOnG believes it likely a hard drive in some form will remain integral in the Xbox project.

The only concrete Xbox 2 information to date stems from a document leaked exclusively to SPOnG last month, citing launch period and EA launch software.

Tomorrow on the Internet: The Xbox 2 or Xenon, or Xbox Next or Xbox 360 will or will not be backwards-compatible with current software. Check back then for more pre-E3 speculation.


acidviper 9 Feb 2005 23:26
Please add a hard drive. It makes copying the games sooooo much easier.
schnide 10 Feb 2005 12:49
I know it could never happen, but if only there was a way to have a harddrive that could allow homebrew development and region free games but not piracy..
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