Nintendo Revolution Gossip Round-up Rationalised

It’s like Guess Who? but without the flimsy plastic frame and eighties hairstyles.

Posted by Staff
Japanese confusion
Japanese confusion
Nintendo’s Revolution console. Here’s what SPOnG thinks right now: The Revolution will be a computer. Not just a computer though, a computer in a box. This computer in a box will be displayed on a TV set and will also be plugged into the Internet. It will be controlled by standard (if of a new design) game pads and ‘other things’ such as the Donkey Konga Bongos.

At least, that’s as far as our research has led us to date.

Others out there have made some bolder claims however, with various pieces of guesswork igniting the Internet rumour mill over the past few days:

1. Nintendo is planning on incorporating gyroscopes into the Revolution’s standard controllers. According to gossip, this is to add motion-sensing to games.

2. The console will have dual processors and built-in broadband, with standard Ethernet being augmented by the "new black" in technology couture, WiFi.

3. The Revolution will not operate with either the Game Boy Advance or the Nintendo DS, rather shifting across to connecting to Nintendo’s next true Game Boy successor which has been tagged Game Boy Evolution. On this point, SPOnG has had discussions with various Nintendo staffers close to the ongoing Game Boy R&D program and, given the timelines and brief specs mentioned, we currently consider this highly unlikely.

4. The Revolution will have four controller ports, a hard drive, and support for high-resolution displays and Dolby Digital 5.1 channel surround sound.

5. The console will be backwards-compatible with the GameCube.

6. The drive will use HD-DVD discs for its games.

7. It will feature various physical feedback elements to the player, with the Revolution touching the player, rather than the other way around.

Of course, the more cynical among us would say that this latest 'information' is simply a round-up of various Internet forum guesswork threads, which it actually is.

Doesn’t mean some of it won’t be on the money though. Expect more in the run up to E3.


kid_77 24 Jan 2005 14:28
SPOnG wrote:
1. Nintendo is planning on incorporating gyroscopes into the Revolution’s standard controllers. According to gossip, this is to add motion-sensing to games

This could genuinely revolutionise the gamepad. The movements made by the user could be vastly more subtle and intuitive than with the analogue stick.

But could they manufacture them at a reasonable cost?
Ditto 24 Jan 2005 14:32
I like the idea that the controls will touch you and react to you.

I think that there's a lot Ninty could do, but first they should make sure they sign up at least a couple of developers to make exclusives and multiplatform titles for the console, otherwise it'll flop badly.
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config 24 Jan 2005 15:37
kid_77 wrote:
This could genuinely revolutionise the gamepad. The movements made by the user could be vastly more subtle and intuitive than with the analogue stick.

That really depends on the sensing mechanism used. In the same way that an analogue stick might only be able to detect, say, 8 distinct levels of movement in a given direction, a gyroscopic sensor with the same level of quantisation would be similarly crap.

As you say, it's a question of cost.
Joji 24 Jan 2005 15:46
Best bet is to just wait til E3, whatever happens this summer is gonna be one of the best yet for gamers. So much stuff going on, it's all good.
acidviper 24 Jan 2005 16:13
The problem with these rumors is that you need a game to put them into context. If you can use the gyroscopes to say swing Link's sword. That would kick ass. But if you only use them to navigate à la SuperMonkeyBall that would suck. Also why would they use gyroscopes here and not in the DS. Why is the DS not able to communicate with GBA, GC or Revolution. Seems like a waste.

I think backwards compatibility might be hard if there are no AB or D-pad - as rumored.

I'm still hoping for some kick ass 3D/VR technology because as it stands it looks like this system will not be able to hold up with Sony and MS in terms of CPU and GPU, leaving first party and 3rd party exclusives that can't be ported if they have unique gyroscope and feedback.
kid_77 24 Jan 2005 16:38
Joji wrote:
Best bet is to just wait til E3, whatever happens this summer is gonna be one of the best yet for gamers. So much stuff going on, it's all good.

Yup. This is E3 should be very interesting indeed. Will all three next gen machines make an appearance?

For what it's worth, my predictions:

M$ are making the most noise, and we should get a first look at the final hardware, as well as some tech demo's of release games.

Hardware demo's from Sony and Ninty would be surprising, maybe some PC/Mac prototype running some pretty replays/intros, and announcements of 3rd-party support and 1st-party teasers.

Of course, I have no insider info whatsoever. But, by God, I like to speculate!
mendo 24 Jan 2005 22:39
Well that wouldn't be a big revolution. Actualy it wouldn't be a revolution at all. Never heard of a Microsoft joypad (for PC) with the same feature? I bought it loooong time ago and it sure was lame. It came bundled with Motocross madness and was one of my worst buy ever!

The idea could be cool but reality... well it sucked. Hope Ninty can do something better...
SPInGSPOnG 25 Jan 2005 08:30
mendo wrote:
The idea could be cool but reality... well it sucked. Hope Ninty can do something better...

Hope Ninty can do something better thasn Micro$oft. That's a fairly safe bet.

Here's how the decision making process works.

Is this as good as we can possibly make it? No, then refine and improve it some more before putting it out to the market and hoping people will buy it.

Is this any good at all? No, then reduce the production costs, and market it so hard that people buy it just to make us shut up. If they still don't buy it build it into Windows and take people to court for not wanting it.
claudioalex 25 Jan 2005 13:20
I like the idea, i think the gossip has a lack of the most important fact, the main caracteristic isnt discovered yet.
At least Nintendo has difernt and good things instead the other consoles, which only look for better graphics.
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