According to unconfirmed reports surfacing from Japan by way of the usually upstanding and efficient (they really are very efficient) German games site Gamefront, Nintendo has released snippets of information regarding its mysterious Revolution console.
In a piece in the latest Diamond Weekly, a magazine targeted at money-obsessed mid-40s Japanese male executives, Nintendo reportedly states that the Revolution will not have standard buttons as featured on previous machine controllers. The article also states that the digital D-pad will be removed.
SPOnG can’t really help but wonder who cares about any of this. The Revolution, whatever else it might be, will be a computer in a box. The computer in a box will plug into the back of your TV and play games, some of which will be online, via a very much standard controller and some other things too.
We are assured by Nintendo that the Revolution will be on show at E3, “ a case on the stand somewhere.” Should make for a pretty picture. Stay tuned.