Minish Cap: European hint blackout explained

It’s okay! Were not that stupid after all!

Posted by Staff
Minish Cap: European hint blackout explained
In a recent interview, the localisation team behind the acclaimed Game Boy Advance action RPG Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap shed some light of the rather perturbing lack of pointers to be found in the game.

If you read our sterling review of Minish Cap you would know that the game was rushed somewhat in order to see a full launch into Europe this year. And it would seem that as well as stripped out content, the language used throughout the game may have also been rushed.

Speaking to Planet GameCube, Nintendo America TreeHouse localisation staffer Bill Trinen explained, “that was kind of a complicated project, because Europe wanted it this year for their market because they need something strong for handheld. So we did the English translation while they were still finalizing the Japanese text. And we're seeing a lot more of that. I mean, it used to be that they would finish a Japanese game, it would go gold, we would get the text, and then start working localizing. I think Mario & Luigi was probably one of the first ones where we were working in conjunction, side by side with them. Where they're still writing the Japanese text while we're translating it. It ends up being a lot more work since there are so many changes. So we did do the English translation in the European version of Minish Cap, and then Europe, they actually, I think, were going from Japanese to their other languages. But, I would recommend waiting for the US version, because the text in the US version is going to be a lot better.”

Well... gee golly gosh! thanks a bunch Bill!


ryohazuki-san 30 Nov 2004 14:31
Wait for US version? hmmm, not so reassuring there, i would think that this is a serious matter for many Zelda fans. I definately wouldnt want to see a rushed version of Minish Cap. Its worth waiting for i think, i'm sure that things will change and we wont have to nash our teeth with rage. :x
Joji 1 Dec 2004 07:41
Unfortunately I have the uk version, and I'm not gonna buy it as second time. I find that interesting, are Nintendo now encouraging us to import GBA games due to them rushing Minish Cap?

People don't mind waiting, so long as you get things right and give them confindence in their purchase. I just hope I can finish mine without any problems.

Despite the DS launch soon, GBA has enough good games for Xmas already. FF Dawn of Souls, Kingdom Hearts: CoM due soon, and the excellent Metal Slug Advance out already too. Not bad for a last full GBA Xmas push.
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Smelly 2 Dec 2004 10:25
Oh for gawds sakes!

What is it with gaming nerds and their insistence of complaining.

If it was 6 months later getting launched you'd moan, if some of the hints get removed so it's launched early you moan.

FFS people.. grow up and stop whinging! Its still a great game, and i've not found a bit where i needed hints yet.
President Weasel 3 Dec 2004 12:24
heh yeah, you tell em!
gamers are never bloody happy.
Wings 3 Dec 2004 23:43
I'm sorry, but what hint blackout? If (and when, I guess) more hints are added to the game, you take away that Zelda magic - i.e. the fact that it's easy enough not to get too frustrated and give it up, but hard enough to make you feel like a genius when you get past a tricky puzzle. More hints and you lose that.

It was simply because of the lack of hints that got my nose glued to my GBA for five days after its release. I was driven by the fact that I knew that it could be beaten, it was just a question of applying brain power. If the game tells you where to go, it's just spoon-feeding the gamer and that results in a bland, flat experience.
Joji 4 Dec 2004 12:58
Dunno what you mean that gamers are never happy.

We've been cheated out of stuff plenty of times before. So isn't it expected.

We as gamers reserve the right to praise or chastise if we are spending money on a full price game. Why is there something wrong with that?

I bet you two bought Rise of the Robots, and Driv3r didn't you? And where you please? You probably love them too.
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