Official: Rumble Roses 80/20 percentage masturbation/gameplay split revealed! Series producer gets asaulted by women – photos!

A day in the world of Rumble Roses – SPOnG is still not recovered

Posted by Staff
We spent most of yesterday in the pleasant company of Konami during its promotional activities for the wrestling cum ogling game Rumble Roses.

Having been invited to interview production lead Akari Uchida, we had a few important questions for him. To be honest, we were planning something of a grilling. Is it acceptable to blend sexual imagery and violence? Is it acceptable to market such images to children? Is it acceptable to present women in this way? And so on.

The main problem with this line of questioning was the simple fact that Uchida-san is a really nice, cheeky man with a glint in his eye and an unashamed love of the female form. He is honest too. Our first question went like this:

Q: So, let’s get straight to the point. When a gamer buys Rumble Roses, how do you perceive the split of his time will be spent between playing the game and enjoying it, in the ‘gentleman’s way’?

A: Ha ha ha. I think about 20 percent gameplay and 80 percent masturbating. Hah ha ha!

SPOnG liked this. It was so unbelievably refreshing after Tecmo and Microsoft’s endless spew concerning the validity of Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball as a game, ignoring the masturbatory overtones completely.

However, later in the day Uchida-san’s sexism was uncovered by two really rather, well, terrifying women, as our exclusive photographic evidence reveals. After losing an arm wrestle with one of the ladies, the other hoisted the poor man off the ground, declaring him a ‘feather weight.’

All good. Expect Rumble Roses, which incidentally has a skin-coloured mud wrestling hands-free CPU vs CPU mode available from the start, on shelves in Europe early next year.

For the record, SPOnG's London office is a mess. Several members of staff are quite badly injured and some fake tanning disaster happened at some point. Never again.


Joji 25 Nov 2004 17:05
Hey, at least he is upfront about it and doesn't try to sugar coat it, there's nothing wrong with that, when any male out there can easily get their kicks from Maxim, FHM and Loaded as an cheaper alternative, though not interactive.

If this were someone else they'd lie and dodge the question. He's sounds like a stand up guy, so he's got my repsect, and if female mud wrestling is included, most likely my cash too.

Being piledrived into mud by a hot chick can be fun too it seems. LOL, give a whole new meaning to being picked up, those pics.

Spong dudes, you sure the chick in the last photo ain't a guy, she does look damn scary. LOL.
marmaduke 25 Nov 2004 18:03
"Skin coloured mud wrestling hands-free CPU vs CPU mode"

This is quite possibly the most excellent thing I've heard all week. Russ Meyer lives on in spirit if not in flesh...
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