Ridge Racer on the grid for PSP launch - screens inside

Namco's vehicular favourite shapes up on Sony handheld.

Posted by Staff
Namco has revealed today that Ridge Racer will be a launch title for the PSP in Japan, due for release December 12. With much attention on the quality of the initial software line-up, the arcade-flavoured series could become quite significant: and ahead of GT4 Mobile, it could enjoy its fair share of sales as the key racing title for Sony’s handheld.

Visually speaking, Ridge Racer looks impressive, but with the series’ slightly erratic history, we could still yet be disappointed. For fans of previous RR outings, there will be re-worked tracks from games gone by, as well as a few new ones, bringing the total to 24 tracks. There will also be the standard array of unlockable cars and bonus extras.

We’re not expecting any huge surprises from this one, but it could be a welcome addition to the early roster. It should also be interesting to compare the various nuances between this and the twin-screened Nintendo DS Ridge Racer.

In the meantime, there are some shots from the PSP version just over here.


Funky 8 Nov 2004 12:33
Oh ... goody gumdrops... Ridge Racer... just what we all wanted... :(
Kaxxx 8 Nov 2004 12:37
I reckon it looks cool. Hardly a ground breaking title for the handheld but it looks so much better than the DS version. Its a decent title to launch with the system though as you are near enough guaranteed lots of hours of play. The PSP's graphics are so superior to the DS's its scary.
Joji 8 Nov 2004 13:18
Stunning looking game but what I expect from Namco and PSP. I definite buy for my PSP.

Yes the DS is using a more N64 - maybe DC graphic capabities, but I bet we are yet to see what it can do fully. I have been wondering is the PSPs opting for such high end graphics part of the problem behind it battery life? DS graphics might be a little less, but it's still running two screens not one, with longer life.

We'll see if the graphics and battery life will be a deciding factors.
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