Level 5 working on "new, original RPG" for PSP

Dark Cloud creators bolster roster

Posted by Staff
Level 5 working on "new, original RPG" for PSP
Level 5 has joined Square Enix with the announcement today that it is working on a “new, original RPG” for the PSP. Best know for its work on Dragon Quest VIII and Dark Cloud, Level 5 has a good reputation for this sort of thing: and the possibility of a handheld Dark Cloud III game is certainly a tempting one.

Unfortunately, there’s no further information available on what this game will be, but Level 5 has posted up a teasing piece of artwork from a project it refers to simply as ‘Next RPG’. Clearly, that could be it.

After yesterday’s flood of pleasing PSP revelations, the software line-up is beginning to shape up rather nicely. Expect plenty more PSP announcements in the days to come.


Joji 28 Oct 2004 10:42
Any decent RPG can make my day, this one will hopefully be no different. Nice to see Level 5 doing something than just the SW series.
Kaxxx 28 Oct 2004 11:38
Cool news and hopefully Level 5 can do something decent. Wether its 'new' or 'original' is yet to be seen but an RPG to add to the PSP's lineup is something to be glad about.
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