Nintendo DS Bomberman joy orgy inside

So, how many players does it support?

Posted by Staff
Amazing multiplayer game get!
Amazing multiplayer game get!
The answer friends is eight. Eight players! Eight! The same number as legs on a spider (also crab) and tentacles on an octopus. (Scorpions also have eight legs it should be pointed out.)

All of which means that the 10 player joy orgy afforded by the Sega Saturn version of the game, without question one of the greatest digital experiences predating streaming ‘specialist’ content on the Internet, will be almost matched.

What’s more, the wire hell of the Saturn multitap will be a long-forgotten memory, as of course, the DS is wireless. You see? It’s like heaven in a news story.

Also confirmed is the inclusion of two maps, one on the DS’ top screen and one on the bottom, both connected. Enhanced strategy get!



ohms 20 Oct 2004 14:09


man, this is so cool, I still have a saturn with 10 pads just for mad bomberman sessions.
this won't replace those, but still.... just makes the DS even more of a 'must have'.

fnkhan 20 Oct 2004 19:47
when will spong give DS its own link?
more comments below our sponsor's message
btnheazy03 20 Oct 2004 20:46
i think the better question would be "when will spong stop treating it's visitors like idiots and provide high-resolution pictures instead of this 32x32 garbage?"
Joji 20 Oct 2004 20:52
Another DS result. I'll be able to relive those memories of crashing at my mates at lunch time playing MD Bombeman so much and being late back to school. Yes, I used to suffer for my gaming passions.

Hudsonsoft, you folk are great. Bomberman is one big blast of fun now multiplied by ten again. Thank you very much and I'll be buying.
Pandaman 21 Oct 2004 00:01
So will this be the best Bomberman game since Bomberman 64?

On the multiplayer side of things, it sure looks like it.
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