Shaolin Monks lure Mortal Kombat off beaten track

Genre-krossing genius or identity krisis?

Posted by Staff
Shaolin Monks lure Mortal Kombat off beaten track
Midway has confirmed that its recent trademarking activity, registering the name Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks does indeed pertain to a forthcoming PS2 and Xbox game called [dun, dun, der] Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. And, as SPOnG had suggested when reporting that earlier news, Shaolin Monks will deviate from the usual one-on-one button mashing.

It will, in fact, be an action adventure game with an underlying beat ‘em up theme. It’s difficult not to be slightly concerned by such news. The soon-to-be-released MK: Deception is proof that the series - in its original, ’vanilla’ form, is still a contender - certainly in the mass-marketplace; but Midway’s previous Mortal Kombat ‘Mythologies’ were quite awful. MK: Deception does offer a few unusual side-quest activities, but because they are served as a side-salad rather than a main-course, they fit nicely into the package.

Shaolin Monks, however, will involve platforming and puzzle-solving, along with the staple punching people in the chops action. Although that does sound vaguely reminiscent of the N64 Sub Zero travesty, we hope the option of a co-operative 2-player mode and some more advanced design will make this game something deserving of closer inspection when it’s released next September.


Joji 18 Oct 2004 22:13
Have to hand it to Midway, the MK series has done well that I actually wanna start playing it again, along with other beat em ups. Recently played MK:DA, and it was quiet good.

Yes, we've had the awful chapters like MK: Mythologies and that Sub Zero travesty as you call it, but I believe Midway, like EA's FIFA did against Konami's Pro Evo, are learning from others along with from their own mistakes. A good thing for us all.

MK: DA has a very Soul Edge/Calibur feel to it and MK Deception looks like building on that.

It's good to see that MK:Shaolin Monks is giving us something else to do besides head crushing. It perhaps might be a little like Tekken Force but I'll keep my mind open before condemning it.
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