Mizuguchi-san's DS answer to Lumines - Meteos first images inside

Rez producer drops blocks onto DS

Posted by Staff
One of the most interesting DS titles to show itself this week is Meteos – a puzzle game designed by Rez-master Tetsuya Mizuguchi. Having recently unveiled Lumines, a PSP based puzzler based blending music and falling-block gameplay, Mizuguchi-san is evidently going through some sort of handheld-puzzle phase. It’s a sensible strategy as these are probably the least expensive games to develop; and yet shouldn’t necessarily detract from Mizuguchi-san’s reputation as a cult-forming game wizard.

Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of Kirby, is also helping out on design duties and so, despite these screenshots looking mostly unremarkable, we are confident that the game underneath will be something great. There will be room for up to 4 players and an as yet indiscernible twist to the gameplay. As soon as SPOnG has gleaned a full explanation of what Meteos is all about, we’ll update you.


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