Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks as next-gen console title?

Midway opens another chapter in the Mortal Kombat saga

Posted by Staff
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks as next-gen console title?
Midway has recently registered the title Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks at the US patent office, perhaps suggesting a new tangent for the well-established beat ‘em up series. Previous incarnations have all followed a logical numerical sequence, with the same characters bouncing back time after time. The Shaolin Monk suffix would suggest an increased emphasis on Liu Kang style characters, but then again, it could be nothing more than a name.

Midway has only offered one previous non-beat-em ‘up spin-off of the Mortal Kombat series, MK Mythologies: Sub Zero, on the N64 and PSOne; but frankly, it was quite appalling. Hence we hope Shaolin Monks is more standard MK fare. Indeed, after Midway confirmed that it would be releasing a new Mortal Kombat game for next-gen machines, SPOnG suspects this could be that. However, there is a new episode in the series nearly every year, so there could still be room for another outing on existing technology. We’ll find out in due course.


geekonstun 5 Oct 2004 13:44
Don't forget about the other god-awful MK non-fighter, Mortal Kombat: Special Forces.

Joji 6 Oct 2004 00:30
Strangely I'm not that bothered, but I admire Midway for sticking to a genre that is badly represented outside of japan.

The series has had some howlers, Mythologies etc, flying super puke. Midway are lucky 3D tech has come a long way to save the series somewhat. I prefer jap beat em ups still by far.

Another MK game , I'd have to rent it first though.

The thought of Midway getting hold of any of Sega's available beat em up licenses scares the hell out of me, even more than this new game news.
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