It has come to our attention that a rather delicious UK-developed PSP title is about to be shown at the Tokyo Game Show, carrying the mega-80s title Maximum Pursuit.
Our source described the game as being “…like Chase HQ, but the cops can jump out of the cars and straight into other cars. It’s cool as you like, a real arcade game and looks great on the PSP – perfect in fact.”
So it’s a car action game in which you can get out on foot, like Grand Theft Auto? “No, not like GTA,” we were assured. “This plays like outrun. You follow the road and there are options to follow the left or the right route.”
Yes, we are also intrigued. The only other information we have is that Maximum Pursuit is financed by a Japanese firm and is being developed somewhere in the British Midlands.
As to whether this is Atari’s secret PSP action-driving game will be interesting to find out.
As soon as we know more, you’ll be the first to know.