Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is going to be one of the biggest selling games ever, that’s a fact. Unless a ginormous asteroid pummels into our planet, or the messiah returns and declares PS2s as the work of the devil, then almost everyone who can buy the game almost certainly will.
However, believe it or not - there are actually some people without PS2s. Their only saving grace is that they might own a PC. And, as expected, GTA San Andreas has now been confirmed for a PC release – although, rather ominously, there has been no mention of the Xbox version.
Unfortunately, there could be quite a wait for that graphically-enhanced PC San Andreas. Rockstar has said that this version might not be ready until July of next year, by which time much of the game’s novelty could have been eroded by the tides of reactionary mainstream-media critical-over-kill that will surely be instigated by the release of the hugely un-PC PS2 version.
Incidentally, the PS2 version has also been delayed – although only by a week, so San Andreas will now arrive in Europe on the 29th October, three days after its American release. If there are any other changes, they’ll be reported accordingly.