Stop Press: Ico 2 – First Image!

Art, games and love – on a horse

Posted by Staff
A closer look
A closer look
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Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has released the first image taken from Ico 2, or Nico, or, as it has seemingly been rebranded, Wanda and the Colossus.

Again, the dark, dank loneliness of the original seems to have been captured from the original – the silent ambient bleakness of Ico being perhaps the key to its almost universal acclaim.

No other details are currently available, other than the mysterious tagline, “We will fight to meet you again.”

And there is a horse prominent, seemingly confirming our exclusive revelation earlier this year that, for sections of the game at least, the player will take charge not of a human, but an equine hero.

Expect more, right here, as it breaks.



Joji 10 Sep 2004 11:14
Looking very nice. I hope Sony wave it's flag a little more, and get the series more established outside of japan, this time round. The first Ico was like Sony's Zelda, but I never felt it was promoted enough.
Kaxxx 10 Sep 2004 11:28
The first game was one of the best ive played in years. Ive waited for ages on this and im glad to see some development screens starting to appear.

Sony's Zelda? I see what you are getting though.
Kaxxx 10 Sep 2004 14:55
Heres a larger pic for those interested.

From Famitsu:

To sum it up, it's not a sequel - they just used their experience and technology in this game. It's an action game where you have to fight the huge statues (there's a lot of them). Your only friend is the horse and the girl you must look after is very important to you, though it is not explained by the story in game. The main character, the girl and the horse are the only living things on earth.

Game-wise, you have to "catch" the giant and climb onto it. You have to find its weak points and attack them, but the surface of the giant can be maze-like, so the game is part action, part puzzle

Very interesting.
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