For those lucky enough to own multiple consoles, the choice of machine for a cross-platform release can sometimes be a bit confusing. Do you go with the more wallet-friendly PS2 version? Does the Xbox’s extra graphical oomph warrant those extra few quid? Does it play better with a ‘Cube controller?
Now that conundrum is set to get more complicated for anyone awaiting the release of Ghost Recon 2, because there will be a clear distinction between the versions available on the different platforms. It’s not just a superficial difference either - not like the odd extra character in Soul Calibur 2 - because the four Ghost Recon 2s will be completely different games on several levels.
The Gamecube and PS2 versions are being handled by Shanghai Studio, whereas the technically superior PC and Xbox versions are under development with Red Storm. Not only are the games experiencing different production procedures, but the storyline will also be altered. For one reason or another, the Red Storm version will be set five years after the Cube and PS2 versions. No official reason has been given for this, but it could well relate to the North Korean government’s objections to the storyline back in June. Perhaps a less controversial script was called for to encourage the international scale online play that the Xbox and PC games will hope to embrace.
Either way, it will be interesting to see how different the two GR2's turn out. Metal Gear Solid fans are being faced with a similar dilemma: Snake Eater (PS2) versus Twin Snakes (Gamecube). At the end of the day, those are two separate games and dedicated fans will buy them both. The Ghost Recon 2 versus Ghost Recon 2 decision would be far less clear a proposition.
The Xbox and PC versions are planned for a November 25 release, and the PS2 and Gamecube versions will also be available around that time, although specific dates have yet to be set in stone.