It would seem that Midway has recently registered a trademark for the name LA Rush. Although there have been no official announcements, this almost certainly indicates that a follow-up to the popular San Francisco Rush exists somewhere, in some fairly primitive state of development. The SF Rush and SF Rush 2049 games were solid arcade racers that enjoyed moderate success on both the N64 and the Dreamcast, and LA Rush is likely to follow the same style of play.
Although there’s a sizeable crowd of very high quality arcade racers on the cards - perhaps most notably Burnout 3 - LA Rush would surely find some fans; particularly fans of the original, and Los Angeles residents. Of course, LA Rush could turn out to be something else entirely, like a traffic-cop sim – although we rather think not. There has been no mention of LA Rush up until today, so the timeline for the project could well mean for a next-generation (or perhaps DS or PSP) release. We’ll update you as soon as we find out.