When it comes to dance mat PS2 jiggery-pokery, Konami is the undisputed lord of the discotheque, with several popular bemani series already well established. In fact, the seemingly endless string of sequels seems to be creating a problematic suffix deficit, with the next episode in the Beatmania series catchily dubbed Beatmania II DX 8th Style. Even Capcom’s Super Hyper Anniversary Street Fighter series can barely compete with that.
Pop’n’music is also making its tenth return to PS2 with the more logically named Pop’n’music 10. The DDR series, on the other hand, has dispensed with numbers altogether – and so Dance Dance Revolution Festival shall be born. Konami will be releasing all three titles in Japan on the same day - November 18th - when the streets shall come alive with the glorious screeches of J-Pop ditties and throngs of be-bopping bemani boogiers.
No further details have been made available, but the precedents for the styles of gameplay are pretty much set in stone by this point. The objective is to jiggle the relevant limb about a bit, hopefully in time to some music. It’s got to be good news for gamers hoping to trip the light fantastic this winter, and bad news for anyone living in a flat below potential foot-stompers.