After the incorporation of respected, professional actors into the soundtrack of EA’s last Bond game – Everything or Nothing, it’s not entirely surprising to learn that EA is once again employing household names to add the final lacquer of oral polish to the upcoming Goldeneye: Rogue Agent.
Dame Judi Dench, who plays ‘M’ in the films, will be stepping in to fill that role. Christopher Lee, aka Scaramanga, will also be projecting his dulcet tones as he polishes the ultimate in bling firepower, his golden gun. For the musical score itself, cheesy dance-meister Paul Oakenfold will be on production duties.
Other villainous favourites adding weight to the Rogue Agent cast include the leggy Russian Xenia Onatopp (from Goldeneye), the well-turned out hat-thrower-cum-midget Oddjob (from Goldfinger) and Dr No, who is also a very naughty man.
Goldeneye: Rogue Agent is due out on Xbox, GameCube and PS2 on November 15th.