Starbreeze looks to next-generation

Chronicles of Riddick developer signs "letter of intent".

Posted by Staff
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, due for release in Europe at the end of next week, has undoubtedly been one of the most enjoyable sleeper-hits of this year. The Xbox exclusive title immediately made an impact at E3, and American reviewers were all pleasantly surprised by the quality of the movie spin-off when it went to retail.

Unsurprisingly, Starbreeze Studios is looking to build on this reputation as quickly as possible. Vivendi Universal, publisher of Escape from Butcher Bay, has already stated that it would strongly consider pushing out a sequel, although there has been no subsequent confirmation of this intention. It has, however, been revealed that Starbreeze is working on an un-named next-gen title using an evolved version of the Riddick engine. Having signed a "letter of intent" with a mystery US publisher, it seems that the Swedish developer has been able to capitalise on the flurry of interest inspired by Riddick’s positive reception.

Starbreeze has been awarded a ‘considerably bigger budget’ for its next-gen product, which has to be a good thing. Aside from that, very little information is available at this early stage.


Stryfe01 6 Aug 2004 13:05
They deserve that money. they worked extremely hard and produced IMO, one of the best games ever made. If your over there in the UK and do not try this game, you are definately missing out on a great experience.
Joji 6 Aug 2004 13:57
I love it when a new group put out a cool new game like this and reap the rewards. They have done a grand job on CoR, and also deserve our praise.

Their engine is very nice, so should be interesting to see what they do next. Just hope that don't get bought up by EA etc, before they can try something else gaming wise.
ohms 6 Aug 2004 15:08

>I love it when a new group put out a cool new
>game like this and reap the rewards. They have
>done a grand job on CoR, and also deserve our

too right !!
then the biatches at EDGE go and give it a 7, whilst gradiusV gets a 9 ?? - Please !!
That pretty much guarantees a 6 for Doom3.

back to the topic in hand... nice one Starbreeze !!
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