Nintendo Dream magazine recently featured a piece interviewing Nintendo spokesperson, Mitsuaki Hagishima, who has indicated how Nintendo is planning its crucial Christmas campaign. Not to be out-shone by Sony, there will be some important Ninty titles hitting the shelves over the winter months.
Whilst the autumn Japanese release of Mario Tennis has been on the cards for a while, there have been other more remarkable revelations. For starters, Hagishima-San has suggested that Star Fox and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat could be ready for release this December, and Fire Emblem: Seima No Kuseki should also be out by this point.
Apparently, there will also be a 'surprise announcement' by Nintendo in the run-up to Chrimbo. Given the vast tome of surprises that Nintendo has locked away, in a hidden room, in a secret building, some place, somewhere, this could pertain to any number of things that we don't know about.
However, if we were gamblers and obliged to place a bet on the outcome of this as-yet-unannounced announcement, we'd go with this surprise being Mario Party 6 related. Nintendo has already hinted that Mario Party 6 can be played without a controller: which it will need to fully explain ahead of the game's November release date. There may even be a totally new peipheral heading to market.
Speculation aside, here's the proposed Japanese 'Cube release list:
October: Mario Tennis
October: Kururin Squash!
November: Mario Party 6
December: Fire Emblem - Seima No Kouseki
December: Starfox
December: Donkey Kong Jungle Beat