No ICO 2: PSP the new home for art-castle revamp?

SCEE relegates chatter of NICO.

Posted by Staff
No ICO 2: PSP the new home for art-castle revamp?
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has quashed talk of an ICO sequel appearing this year, stating that there are no plans to launch the as-yet unannounced game before Christmas.

The news follows talk being triggered, again by UK listing-happy retailer Amazon, who has slated the title for an autumn release, apparently erroneously.

The news that PAL PlayStation 2 units will not host the game has instantly triggered talk across the Internet that something more interesting is planned for the illusive update, with a revamp hitting the upcoming PSP leading the rumour race.

As with the nature of rumour, this may well prove more a case of fan fantasy than a portable-inspired leak, though keep an eye out for updates as the weeks roll on.


Joji 22 Jul 2004 13:50
This would make a nice PSP launch game. Don't think it got as much recognition outside of japan as it should have during the original.
config 22 Jul 2004 17:17
Ico Ico I-ay

I never got into Ico, but keep meaning to give it another try?

So tell me folks... should I put in the time, or go back to trying to find some worth in Driv3r?


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