European and US PSX Launch Pushed Back to 2005

Komiyama admits to delays for PS2 hybrid recorder.

Posted by Staff
European and US PSX Launch Pushed Back to 2005
According to a recent interview with Bloomberg, Hideki Komiyama, president of SCEA, has admitted that the PSX won’t be ready for release outside of Japan until well into 2005. Although he has made the suggestion that the European PSX could be here by the end of the fiscal year (i.e., before April 2005) there has been no such tentative timeline for the proposed American launch.

Considering the extent of apathy amongst Japanese gamers when the PSX was released over there in December 2003, these ambiguous delays could serve to completely undermine any potential the machine might have had previously. Taking into account the fact that Sony has just confirmed its unveiling of the PS3 at E3 2005, it’s difficult to envisage consumers saving up for the PSX when the next console proper will become a tangible prospect soon after.

Much will depend on what features are boasted by the new versions of the PSX. Sony has suggested that it is introducing a variety of brand new functions to the American version in order to fend off competition from other - arguably better value - DVD recorders.

From a consumer viewpoint, it will be interesting to see what the reaction is to the PSX’s introduction so late in the day; and from Sony’s perspective, the response to the machine will be critical in informing their strategies for PS3 functions.

As soon as we get the official word from Sony Europe, read it here first.


Joji 12 Jul 2004 11:50
Oh dear, this isn't like Sony, and here I thought being complacent was Nintendo's main trait.

With the prices of dvd recorders now starting to come down, I don't see the point in this coming to EU/U.K at all, though I'm sure it would be sweet. If it did it would have to cheap and have more stuff.

It's just that the launch time between this and 3 other machines is gonna be very tight, so how the hell is it gonna get a look in if when it's running PS2 tech, and everyone will be saving up for the next gen, some having had Ps2 for about 4 years now. Would they be convinced to buy another PS2 hybrid, or move on to PS3 etc?

We all know how Sony hate to drop their prices too. The PS2 has been out the longest time and is still the most expensive, and the least said about the over priced accessories the better. Frankly I feel they are taking this too far.

Greed has made Sony a little silly, they need a reality check real fast, this won't sell unless they put it back and put PS3 options in it. Common sense is why it probably didn't go down well in Japan, because most of them probably already have a PS2 or/and a DVD player/recorder. And with DVD going down the blue laser route soon (even Ps3), things don't look so sweet for PSX now.

PS2 should be at the price of GC or Xbox by now, they got no excuse.
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