In prices not seen since the latter days of the Dreamcast, Nintendo Europe saw one nationwide retailer slash the price of its GameCube console to under £40 last week.
Index began shifting hardware at £39.99 last week, much to the surprise of Nintendo, who issued the following statement to us:
“Index is currently running a big promotion on all products, of which GameCube is one, offering up to 50% discount. As far as we are aware Index will continue to trade with Nintendo at certain times of the year,” was the word from European PR chief Shelly Pearce.
She continued, “GameCube sales continue to go from strength to strength. Following the launch of Pokemon Colosseum, sales of GameCube doubled and market share has increased, hitting almost 25% in some weeks. We have a strong software line-up this year and with the launch of Animal Crossing, Donkey Konga and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, we expect this success to continue.”
Although Nintendo reacts in a typically bullish manner towards this situation, the fact remains that seeing console hardware discounted so heavily will always rattle the nerves of both the consumer and third-party developers around the world, although it must be underlined that this is just one retailer’s decision.
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