Camp Videogames to Inspire America’s Youth

A splendid way to spend the summer.

Posted by Staff
White singlet, bandana - camp enough for you? Image from Singles: Flirt up Your Life
White singlet, bandana - camp enough for you? Image from Singles: Flirt up Your Life
The philosophy behind America’s summer camp phenomenon is straightforward enough. Kids who spend most of their year ambling through sprawling concrete metropolises get a chance to bound around the great outdoors, breathing lungfuls of fresh mountain air and toasting pasty flesh in the glorious sunshine. However, this obsession with health and efficiency is not something that we videogame journalists can really identify with.

That’s why news of the Experience summer camps, taking place at various universities around the US, fills us with hope for the future. Rather than getting kids to spend their mornings doing star-jumps and organising friendly volleyball matches, the Videogame camp promotes staying indoors and staring at a monitor, preferably with the curtains drawn.

Participating students will be given the opportunity to develop various skills intrinsic to a career in the games industry. There are classes for 2D videogame design and animation, 3D videogame design, videogame engineering and videogame journalism. Teaching all sorts, from Flash to Java, the camp provides an ideal opportunity for interested parties to consolidate their skills.


micta 16 Jun 2004 12:43
Will they get to play Graham Norton Anti-Virus then?
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