Square Enix Reveals Three New Full Metal Alchemist Games

Popular anime begets triplets.

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Images from Full Metal Alchemist and the Broken Angel
Images from Full Metal Alchemist and the Broken Angel
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Square Enix has confirmed that it will be releasing three new games based on the Full Metal Alchemist series. The first of these will be Full Metal Alchemist: The Demon Of The Red Elixir (also known as Full Metal Alchemist 2: Akaki Elixir no Akuma) for the Playstation 2. Essentially, Red Elixir will be a straightforward sequel, returning to the 'turn random household objects into lethal weapons'-style gameplay seen in the first release. Full Metal Alchemist 2 will also be aesthetically similar to the original anime series, as the graphics are getting the full cel-shading treatment.

The company is also developing a new Full Metal Alchemist game which will follow a more of a simple beat 'em up path. Pitching pairs of characters against each other, the FMA cast will return to their 'turning stuff into weapons' ways as they beat the merry hell out of each other. As yet, this title has not been officially named or dated.

The third Full Metal Alchemist game on the way is heading towards the GBA in a traditional RPG form. Called Sonata of Memories, this will be similar to the first GBA version of FMA, except for the introduction of extra characters, a fresh storyline, and a new card-battling system. It's due out in Japan towards the end of July, with no confirmed release date for PAL territories thus far.


Joji 15 Jun 2004 13:48
Excellent. Full Metal Alchemist is a mad anime series, and looks as if Squenix have it all covered well in the games department. When this lot hits the U.S you'll have a 52 episode series to watch, and 5 FMA games in total to bag on PS2 and GBA, and the FMA manga which Squenix also has the rights to sell. Squenix are gonna be cleaning up, and FFXII and KH2 are not even out yet.

Are you watching and listening MS? This is the kind of thing you need on Xbox in japan. You might not get it from Square, but there are plenty of other japanese developers who do rpgs. A anime series backed by games and manga is the way to go.
Darkness 14 Oct 2007 19:18
I think they should make a Full Metal Alchemist game for Wii, cause it the series rock... i've seen it all including the Film...
its a shame that a good game like this should be wasted on ps2...
im a nintendo fan, so i hope it comes to wii....
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