SCEE President David Reeves announced today that the PS2 was nowhere near the end of its life cycle. Apparently, he hopes that Sony can extend the PS2 userbase far beyond its current demographic, specifically suggesting that non-gamers will be a new target audience. SCEE has already taken a step in this direction with its London studio’s EyeToy creations, and it’s thought that such a peripheral-driven strategy could be key to continuing PS2 sales, more important even than a straightforward price cut (the approach favoured by Sony America).
There have been no specific indications as to how SCEE’s plans will manifest themselves, but if the focus is to be placed on peripherals, then Sony will be watching Nintendo’s next moves extremely closely. To reach Reeves’ sales targets of 45 million units by 2008 (from the present figure of 22.5 million) something fairly dramatic would be called for. The move into eastern European and Middle Eastern markets will provide some scope, but again, the need to entice non-gamers would still be prevalent.
At this stage, it’s difficult to assess if this announcement is a merely a knee-jerk reaction to Nintendo’s freshly revealed peripheral-based Gamecube plans. Sony would inevitably want to cast shadows over any talk of revolutionary gameplay ideals. The company will also be trying to temporarily divert the public’s attention from the prospect of the PS3, which could potentially stop possible PS2 owners from digging into their pockets right here, right now.
Regardless of motivation, Reeves’ speech is proper fighting talk. Nintendo has been getting justifiably cocky since their E3 revelations, and Sony aren’t about to take that lying down. PR spiel and peripherals at the ready? Then let battle commence!