Nintendo has promised the world great things over the last few months. The next console will be ‘revolutionary’ and the GameCube apparently plans to host all manner of peculiar peripherals in the near future. So when Nintendo trademark a selection of bizarre phrases, words and pictures, we have to start getting excited. The big question is: what on earth does Nintendo mean by 'commander', 'commander pack', 'mission', 'Princess Hime', 'manebito' and 'ningen-copy'?
To speculate in a suitably wild style, this could indicate a variety of exciting developments. “Manebito” means camera, and the trademarked logo also seems to feature some kind of GameCube-based camera add-on. It would therefore seem sensible to predict that there is some kind of Nintendo EyeToy in the works. That would certainly explain the Manebito theme.
'Princess Hime' is otherwise known as Princess Peach, so that particular trademark is easily understood. This could potentially hint at a camera based Princess Peach game, perhaps along similar lines to Eyetoy: Groove, or even something more exotic involving another separate peripheral. If Nintendo was to produce a game that utilised a camera, the bongoes and GBA connectivity all at the same time, you've got a mini-gaming revolution right there.
However, the ‘ningen-copy’ bit is more mysterious. It has been linked to the same 'Manebito' theme, so presumably it will involve this same camera peripheral, but it directly translates as ‘person imitator’. Trusting that Nintendo has no plans to introduce the elaborately irritating street performer practise of copycat miming to the games industry, we think this could mean a very good thing - the return of ROB, the NES’ Robotically Operated Buddy.
Nintendo has dropped strong hints that its future strategies would relate to gaming trends of yesteryear, and this could be one such revival. Perhaps this ‘Manebito Ningen-copy’ thingamajig will be some kind of peripheral robot that can learn or respond to certain actions by observing the player’s camera-tracked movements. Perhaps 'commander' and 'commander pack' point specifically towards these devices. Perhaps players will be competing against these robots in a crazy camera-based 'mission'. Perhaps none of the aforementioned suggestions will bear any resemblance to the truth. At this point in time, a speculative explanation is the only one possible.
Stay tuned for the definitive facts as soon as they're discovered.