Ace Combat 5 Explained

Like it says on the box...

Posted by Staff
When it comes to aerial battling, Playstation 2 owners are hardly spoilt for choice with Ace Combat 4 representing the only sensible choice for wannabe dogfighters. Come autumn, AC 4 will be ousted from the top spot to be replaced by Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. This sequel will proffer more of the same, umm, ace combat with smoother, crisper graphics, more missions (x30) and more planes (x50).

The games precocious tagline “Nothing Even Comes Close” would be good fodder for critics and cynics, but in all honesty, the marketing folk are probably right. Not just because there aren’t many other games of this sort, but because Namco seemed to have worked hard at perfecting what AC5 is all about. Speedy visuals and high-octane excitement is what consumers want from a game like this, and in all probability, that is exactly what they’ll receive.


Joji 20 May 2004 20:21
Damn, those screenshots are burning my eyes, I can feel the afterburner flames on my retinas.

I like the look of this game, and like you said there's little on consoles that comes close to it. It's air combat without the the pc bits and bobs, nice of Namco to give us the option.

I hoping for an Ace Combat compilation, since it's Namco's 50th anniversary soon.
AM2Kid 20 May 2004 21:57
Hmm.....never really got into Ace Combat. Always liked the screenshots, but found myself flying in completely the wrong direction. Like Elite, coincidentally. And Colony Wars.

Hmm. A trend emerging :-)

Joji - ever tried AeroDancing (AM2 Flight Sim type game?)
Joji 21 May 2004 00:32
I missed Aero Dancing unfortunately, I'll hunt for an import DC copy.

Ace Combat games look groovy. Namco are good, and hardly naff up on games. (pinch of salt) ((cough ...RR Evo...cough))

Try following the compass next time AM2kid, they are handy like that, for finding your way about.
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