Chronicles Of Riddick Impresses

Escape From Butcher’s Bay.

Posted by Staff
Having spent the last two days ridiculing publishers for their brazenly greedy attempts to cash-in on the blockbuster cinema releases of tomorrow, Chronicles Of Riddick comes as a bit of a slap to the wrist. Instead of using their Pitch Black license to dictate precisely what the game is about (as is the norm where movie licenses are concerned) Vivendi Universal have chosen to use the forthcoming Vin Diesel movie purely as the foundations for a game of their own making. Chronicles Of Riddick actually takes place before the events of the film and it actually contains some agreeably refined gameplay.

The Butcher’s Bay that Riddick is escaping from refers to a dank, moody prison packed to the rafters with razor-blade wielding fruit-loops. Implementing a first person view, the player then has to break out of these hellish confines using a combination of stealth and extreme brutality. Assuming your stomach can handle the prospect, you could tiptoe up behind a prison guard before burying a shank deep within his twitching gullet. If you’re of more delicate sensibilities, then you might prefer simply to break faces with a clenched fist - the choice is yours.

If Starbreeze and VU can prove that movie tie-ins can make for original games, it will be a positive precedent for developers and publishers alike. Chronicles Of Riddick is out in June, but until then, the jury’s still out.


DoctorDee 14 May 2004 16:46
Old Vince Petrol was here yesterday. He looks much smaller in real life.

And he doesn't do any tricks!

We were waiting for him to bend a steel bar with his teeth, or snowbord down the stand on the back of an upturned Dodge Intrepid painted in two-pack paint and covered with K&N stickers, before engaging the 'NOS' and blowing the whole stand to pieces.

But instead, he just sat there signing pictures of some bald git.
Joji 20 May 2004 20:25
Do you get to see his eye operation like in Minority Report?
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