Resident Evil Outbreak II: First Quality Screens!

Online second edition shows true future.

Posted by Staff
Capcom Japan has released the first official screens taken form the steaming dev-kits housing Biohazard Outbreak II, the update to the online (except in Europe – shame on you, Capcom) expansion of the seminal series.

No doubt released in place of the deluge of poor quality scans that hit the web last week, the screens depict everything we’ve come to expect from the series, aside from the beauty that is Resident Evil 4, namely zombies, killing zombies, zombies trying to kill humans and zombies in spooky settings. And so on.



Falien 13 Apr 2004 11:33
Any bets that if this ever reaches Europe, it will be offline as well?!?
Brown Force 13 Apr 2004 12:26
Wow I'm so amazed...sarcasm aside, I couldn't give a flying crap. Even if RE Outbreak 2 is online Europe I won't buy it, no online for the first one means no chance of me ever buying into Capcoms retarded series.

I hope Capcom sales plumit in Europe now for Alienating the whole market.
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