Register for E3 – Get a T-shirt

Works for us...

Posted by Staff
Shirt design may vary and come in massive US comedy size
Shirt design may vary and come in massive US comedy size
The organiser of this year’s Electronics Entertainment Expo has announced a series of promotions to garner earlier registrations for the show, no doubt an attempt to avoid the traditional pre-show registration chaos that inevitably sees huge queues forming in downtown Los Angeles.

As well as discounted entry for corporate attendees, a free 10th anniversary t-shirt will be dished out, which is kind of them.

2004's Electronics Entertainment Expo takes place at the Los Angeles Convention Center on May 11 thru 13th.


sue_raas 25 Feb 2004 14:51
Are you calling me fat?
TigerUppercut 25 Feb 2004 15:09
Sue Raas wrote:

>Are you calling me fat?

That depends if you're fat. It is true that American T-Shirts are massive. Medium would be true, if talking about medium elephants...
more comments below our sponsor's message
ali 25 Feb 2004 16:48
Unfortunatley, the offer posted isn't quite right.
T-Shirts are for E3 Conference participants only,
and not for general attendees.
Pierre_Pressure 25 Feb 2004 22:31
ali smith wrote:

>Unfortunatley, the offer posted isn't quite
T-Shirts are for E3 Conference
>participants only,
and not for general

Eet sais in ze article that the shirts ees for corporate attendees, head of nuts.

config 26 Feb 2004 11:07
Sue Raas wrote:

>Are you calling me fat?

If you're Merkin, then yes, you're all fat and all stupid to boot.

That was irony, by the way ;)

SPInGSPOnG 26 Feb 2004 19:29
config wrote:

>That was irony, by the way ;)

Oh, don't go there, you know how 'merkins don't 'get' irony.
DoctorDee 26 Feb 2004 19:34
Oh, I was so excited about the prospect of registering for E3 and getting a free t-shirt.

But then I realised it was an E3 T-shirt.. which spoilt it a bit. If it had been a T-shirt featuring a picture of Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft in the nude (clearly, a very distinct prospect from a picture of Angleina Jolie in the nude, which would just be porn), I would be registering now, iinstead of typing this inanity.

But still, a return flight to LAX, four nights in a hotel and food (and drink, and possible coke if I can't score any for free from the industry fat-cats) means that for just £2,000 I can get a free T-shirt that I don't want. Bargain!
Nobo 27 Feb 2004 08:02
I think, perhaps, the orgaisers of E3 are showing a most regrettable lack of understanding of their target audience here.

Surely the kind of people who attend E3 conference have a most bulging cupboard full of all the T-shirts they have been granted freely by PR people. Surely the prospect of another low quality, poorly designed shirt will not fill them with joy and anticipation.
scanman 27 Feb 2004 09:50
How about, if I buy one of these crappy, oversized t-s**ts, the miserable, tight E3 organisers give me a free flight, accomodation and entry to all the conferences.

LA's a crap city, anyway. If it weren't for Santa Monica (and the aftershow parties), the whole thing would have driven me to put a bullet in my head ($69 over the counter). I say move it to San Francisco or New York, or even back to Vegas. Somewhere that has culture or something to do (in the days before the show) and lower murder rate :)

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