Biohazard 4 - Another Capcom Back-down?

Rumour suggests fresh GameCube exclusivity cop-out.

Posted by Staff
Biohazard 4 - Another Capcom Back-down?
According to rumours emanating from Japan this morning, Biohazard 4 will be released on Xbox and PlayStation 2 some time after it hits the GameCube, in yet another example - if the rumours turn out to be true - of the games industry using the term ‘platform exclusive’ in an arguably deceitful, bordering on illegal way.

As you may remember, Capcom announced a shock glut of GameCube exclusives, then - with the exception of Viewtiful Joe - slowly and quietly brushed them under the carpet. The initial announcement brought about rumour carnage as Capcom/Nintendo collaborations or mergers and buy-outs were bounced from pillar to post. The word MegaTon was, not for the first time, on everyone’s slightly smirking lips…

Anyhow, Biohazard or Resident Evil 4 is, if respected Japanese sources are to be believed, heading for a summer release for GameCube, with PlayStation 2 and Xbox to follow.

Capcom Europe this morning declined to comment on the situation. We’ll let you know exactly what happens in the coming weeks and months.


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